Joint AAPM/IROC Houston Registry of Brachytherapy Sources Meeting
the AAPM Dosimetric Prerequisites
The Bravos 232A HDR192 source is dosimetrically euivalent to the GammaMed Plus 232 HDR 192Ir source. All data listed on the GEC/ESTRO website for the GammaMed Plus 232 HDR192Ir source is appropriate to use for the Bravos 232A HDR192Ir source as well. The two source models are identical in design with respect to the materials and dimensions of the active source, the source encapsulation, and the flexible cable connecting directly to the source.
The only differences between the two models are in the length of the cable connecting the source to the afterloader and the rigid portion of the delivery cable. Note that there are two segments of cable connecting the source to the afterloader, a rigid segment, and a flexible segment. The flexible segment is welded directly to the source. The rigid segment is connected to the afterloader connector and the two are welded together at a considerable distance from the source. Since the dosimetric parameters are based solely on the source and the adjacent flexible cable segment, there should be no dosimetric difference between the two source models.