All other Treatment Panning Systems
Below are the 3 PBI benchmark cases. When you click on the benchmark case it will ask you where you would like to save the data files. Once the files are downloaded import the DICOM image set into the treatment planning system.
1. Upon clicking on a link, you will be asked to either "open" or "save" the current file; Choose "save."
2. You will then be asked to choose a location for the file. Choose a location on one of your computer's available hard drives or network hard drives. Please take note of the location for future reference.
3. After it is downloaded to your system, the file can then be burned on to a CD ROM or copied to a removable drive, such as flash memory.
4. You can then transfer the file to your treatment planning machine via CD ROM or the flash memory if available.
• Breast (130 CT images.) The GTV can be found on slices 14.32 cm through 17.32 cm.
° Breast Benchmark Instructions
° Dosimetry Summary (complete online )
• Brain (101 CT images.)
° Brain Benchmark Instructions
° Dosimetry Summary (complete online )
• Mantle (216 CT images.)
° Mantle Benchmark Instructions
° Dosimetry Summary (complete online )
• CSI (221 CT images.)
° Dosimetry Summary (complete online )