ACNS2321 requirements



Please fill out the Credentialing Status Inquiry Form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.

In order to complete the 3D credentialing process, the following items must be completed:

• All participants are asked to complete the Facility Questionnaire .

•  Successfully complete the Boney IGRT credentialing requirements. Please also complete the IGRT questionnaire online .

In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:

• All participants are asked to complete the Facility Questionnaire .

• Irradiate the IROC Houston's IMRT H&N.  Please fill in the phantom request form online.

•  Successfully complete the Boney IGRT credentialing requirements. Please also complete the IGRT questionnaire online.

In order to complete the Proton credentialing process, the following items must be completed:

• All participants must have completed baseline approval for proton therapy.

• All participants are asked to complete the Facility Questionnaire .

• Irradiate the IROC Houston's proton H&N phantom. Please fill in the phantom request form online.

•  Successfully complete the Boney IGRT credentialing requirements. Please also complete the IGRT questionnaire .


Institutions that are credentialed to participate in other IMRT protocols requiring an IMRT H&N phantom irradiation need not repeat the phantom irradiation for credentialing for this protocol.