Below is the lung benchmark case, which has been saved as a gzipped tar file. This file contains one XiO patient (Lung_Phantom_CT_XiD.tgz). The patient has been "tared" at the XiO clinic directory level using XiO 4.2.0 and should be "untarred" in this directory (instructions below). The instructions assume the gzipped tar file has been downloaded to directory FTP_DIR on your system. (Replace FTP_DIR with the actual directory path of this file.)
1. Log on as root
2. cd to the XiO clinic in which you wish to develop the plans (e.g. cd /Focus/rtp1/1)
3. To untar the patient (Lung_Phantom_CT_XiD.tgz) into the clinic, type:
gnutar –xzvf FTP_DIR/Lung_Phantom_CT_XiD.tgz
4. Log out of root and check that you can open the patient (Lung_Phantom_CT_XiD.tgz) with XiO.
• Lung Benchmark CT (142 CT images)
• Lung Benchmark Directions