InPact – EA8134 Requirements

Please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.

This study only allows IMRT planning.

IMRT credentialing:

• Complete and submit the Facility Questionnaire.

• Irradiate the IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom.  Please fill in the phantom request form online.

• The lead radiation oncologist at each center shall complete two contouring benchmarks.

◊  Download Contouring Benchmark 1 and instructions.

◊ Download Contouring Benchmark 2 and instructions.

• Each center shall complete one planning benchmark using a CT and structure set provided.

◊ Download Planning Benchmark and instructions.

Institutions that are credentialed to participate in other IMRT protocols requiring a Head & Neck phantom irradiation need not repeat the phantom irradiation for credentialing for this protocol.

NOTE: All credentialing benchmarks and patient cases should be submitted through TRIAD. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology's (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. See here for information on installing TRIAD.