Treatment Planning System Information


DISCLAIMER: these patients are provided as a convenience to PLATO users for the sole purposes of obtaining credentials for the Breast protocol. Nucletron makes no claims as to the accuracy of the image or structure data – neither spatial nor density information. These CT data sets are compatible with BPS 14.2.6 and later.

Below are the PBI benchmark cases, which have been saved as tar files. The tar file contains one patient. The files contained in the tar file should eventually be stored in /usr/people/plato_share/IPS/data/tmp for DICOM 3 Image Server users, or /usr/people/plato_share/CON/DICOM/data for DICOM RT Import Server users.  It can then be "untarred” in the appropriate directory (instructions below).

1.  Download the tar file to a directory on your PC. The instructions assume the tar files have been downloaded to the directory TESTIMAGES on your system. (Replace TESTIMAGES with the actual directory path of this downloaded file.)

2.  Burn" the tar file from TESTIMAGES to a CD using your PC's CD Writer, then insert the disk into the PLATO computer's CD Drive.

3.  Log on as root and open a winterm by clicking on DESKTOP in the TOOLCHEST, then OPEN UNIX SHELL.

Type the following in the winterm box:

1.  cd /CDROM <enter>

2.  ls -al <enter> (lists the files on the CD)

(Please make note of the file name as this file name will be used in the following steps)

(NOTE: The instructions assume the file is named pbi_0001.tar.  If not replace pbi_0001.tar with the actual file name throughout the instructions)

DICOM 3 Image Server users.  Type:

1.  cp pbi_0001.tar /usr/people/plato_share/IPS/data/tmp <enter>

2.  cd /usr/people/plato_share/IPS/data/tmp <enter>

3.  tar xvf pbi_0001.tar <enter>

4.  ls -al <enter> (lists the files in the directory - make sure you see the .img files)

5.  rm pbi_0001.tar <enter> (removes the tar file)

6.  You can then enter the CT/MR module and work with the images as usual.

DICOM RT Import users.  Type:

1.  cp  pbi_0001.tar  /usr/people/plato_share/CON/DICOM/data <enter>

2.  cd   /usr/people/plato_share/CON/DICOM/data <enter>

3.  tar xvf  pbi_0001.tar <enter>

4.  ls –al <enter> (lists the files in the directory – make sure you see the .img files)

5.  rm   pbi_0001.tar <enter> (removes the tar file)

The patient may now be imported via DICOM RT Import and viewed and contoured in the CT/MR module as usual.

1.  Upon clicking the link below, you will be asked to either "open" or "save" the current file; Choose "save." 

2.   You will then be asked to choose a location for the file.  Choose a location on one of your computer's available hard drive, preferably a directory you've created TESTIMAGES as above.  Please take note of the location for future reference. 

3.  After it is downloaded to your system, the file can then be burned on to a CD ROM.

4.  You can then transfer the file to your treatment planning machine via CD ROM following the directions above.

Ψ      Multi-Catheter (52 CT images.) The GTV can be found on slices 150.43 cm through 153.13 cm.

v    PBI – Multi-Catheter Dosimetry Summary (complete online).

Ψ      MammoSite (90 CT images.)

v        PBI – MammoSite Dosimetry Summary (complete online ).

1.      The following data are to be submitted digitally

a.      CT images

b.      Protocol-compliant structures

c.      Beam geometry or brachytherapy source parameters

d.      3D dose distributions (absolute dose) for all fraction groups

e.      DVHs for the total dose plan

2.   For each benchmark case submitted the institution must complete and submit the PBI – MammoSite/Multi-Catheter Dosimetry Summary (found above), as well as submit the plan and isodose plots in hard copy. Everything can be submitted via email, fax, snail mail or through the IROC Houston website.