Philips Pinnacle
Below is the lung benchmark case, which has been saved as UNIX files. This enables all Pinnacle users to import the CT image set into their treatment planning systems. This data set can be restored as is on a Pinnacle workstation by using the Pinnacle Launch Pad Restore utility. No physics data are included with this archive so it can be restored into an existing institution. The user will need to select his or her own CT table when first opening the plan.
1. Upon clicking on a link, you will be asked to either "open" or "save" the current file; choose "save."
2. You will then be asked to choose a location for the file.
3. Choose a location on one of your computer's available hard drives or network hard drives. Please take note of the location for future reference.
4. After it is downloaded to your system, the file can then be burned to a CD ROM or copied to a removable drive, such as flash memory.
5. You can then transfer the file to your treatment planning system via CD ROM or the flash memory if available.
• Lung Benchmark CT (142 CT images)