CALGB 30610 / RTOG 0538 Requirements


Please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.

Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.

This study requires credentialing. The credentialing requirements are different depending on whether you are using a 3DCRT or IMRT technique. You can be credentialed for either 3DCRT or IMRT or both depending on your physician’s preference.

3D Credentialing:

• Must complete and submit to IROC Houston the 3D Conformal Benchmark.

IMRT Credentialing:

• Must complete and submit to IROC Houston the IMRT Questionnaire.

• Must complete and submit to IROC Houston the IMRT Benchmark which is available from IROC Houston or an institution may irradiate the IROC Houston’s head and neck IMRT Phantom. Please fill in the request form online.

• If techniques are used to compensate for or limit respiratory motion the IROC Houston questionnaire on respiratory motion management must be submitted to IROC Houston.


Institutions that have been credentialed for participation in RTOG protocol 0617 using 3D conformal techniques will be considered credentialed for use of 3D conformal techniques. Institutions that have been credentialed for participation in RTOG protocol 0617 using IMRT will be considered credentialed for use of IMRT. A copy of the approval letter from RTOG should be submitted to IROC Houston.