RTOG 0937 Requirements
This study requires credentialing before patients can be entered onto this study. The credentialing requirements are different depending on whether you are using a 3D-CRT or IMRT technique. You can be credentialed for either technique or for both depending on your physician's treatment preference.
This protocol requires each institution to submit electronic patient data to RTOG using TRIAD. For instructions on TRIAD, click here. Please note, with CTSU integration with TRIAD, IRB approval is required in order to submit credentialing data.
In order to complete the 3D-CRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• All participants are asked to complete and fax/e-mail the Facility Questionnaire to RTOG at 215-940-8817 or rtog-facquest@phila.acr.org. Questions about the questionnaires can be directed to Tammy McGlade at 215-574-3219.
• Submit an actual patient treatment plan digitally to the TRIAD.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process, the following items must be completed:
• All participants are asked to complete and fax/e-mail Facility Questionnaires to RTOG at 215-940-8817 or rtog-facquest@phila.acr.org.
• Submit a dry run test electronically to the TRIAD.
• Irradiate the IROC Houston's lung phantom using an IMRT technique. Please fill in the request form online
• Use of IMRT only for targets outside the Lung:
Institutions that had irradiated the IROC Houston's H & N or prostate phantoms and are credentialed to participate in other non-lung RTOG IMRT protocols using same TPS and delivery technique still need to complete the Facility Questionnaires and contact the TRIAD regarding their dry run data submission, however they are exempt from repeating the phantom irradiation. If you would like to verify your previous credentialing status, please fill in the Credentialing Status Inquiry Form and someone from the IROC Houston will contact you.
• NCI Guidelines on the use of IMRT in Clinical Trials
Acceptable treatment planning system(TPS) / algorithm