RTOG 0938 Requirements
Credentialing for IMRT Photon Therapy Treatment:
• If a CyberKnife unit is to be used to treat patients on the RTOG 0938 protocol, the institution must have treated at least 2 prostate patients with CyberKnife and meet all other credentialing requirements prior to enrolling a CyberKinife treated patient onto this protocol.
• Complete and submit a Facility Questionnaire to RTOG.
• Obtain SFTP account from ATC.
• Perform IGRT Verification Study on ATC web page.
• Irradiate the IROC Houston's H&N or Pelvic phantom for all treatment modalities except for CyberKnife, which requires the pelvic phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
Credentialing for Proton Therapy Treatment:
• Complete and submit an Facility Questionnaire to RTOG.
• Successful completion of a site visit by the IROC Houston.
• Obtain SFTP account from ATC web page and successfully transfer a proton treatment plan in digital format to the ATC.
• Perform IGRT Verification Study on ATC web page.
Institutions that are credentialed to participate in other RTOG IMRT protocols requiring either an IMRT H&N or a prostate phantom irradiation need not repeat the phantom irradiation for credentialing for this protocol. When institutions change technology, it is necessary to repeat the credentialing process. Also fundamental changes in the techniques used for IGRT or motion management require repeat credentialing.