RTOG 1112 Requirements
Please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.
Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol or have a question about your status for this protocol, please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form.
This protocol requires each institution to submit electronic patient data to RTOG using TRIAD. For instructions on TRIAD, click here. Please note, with CTSU integration with TRIAD, IRB approval is required in order to submit credentialing data.
In order to complete the SBRT credentialing process, the following items must be completed:
• All participants are asked to update or complete a new IROC Facility Questionnaires
• Download the Specific Benchmark Plan from the ATC web page and submit to TRIAD.
• Perform IGRT Verification Study and submit to TRIAD. (click here for IGRT data spreadsheet).
• Irradiate the IROC Houston's Liver phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
3D-CRT as well as IMRT deliveries are allowed to be used in the protocol. Photon as well as proton beams are allowed to be used in this protocol. Proton facilities must have been approved by the IROC Houston to enter clinical trials (see IROC Houston website).
Acceptable treatment planning system (TPS) / algorithm
When institutions change technology, it is necessary to repeat the credentialing process, unless an institution is credentialed for IMRT and wishes to use a non-IMRT photon treatment delivery. Fundamental changes in the techniques used for IGRT or motion management require repeat credentialing as well.