These questionnaires are research instruments consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from Radiation Therapy facilities. Please use the single sign on to log in and then select the appropriate questionnaire.

The IROC Houston web site is provided as a service to the National Cancer Institute, its cooperative study groups under the Cancer Treatment Evaluation Program (CTEP) and the institutions that are members of the study groups. Use of this information for business solicitation, commercial mailings, or other advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.

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IROC Lookups

If you need help finding the unique RTF number, please use the link below.

RTF Lookup »

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Username/Password Request Form - Use this link above to request the username/password to be sent to you. In order for us to verify who you are, all fields must be filled out. Note: If you don't know your RTF number, please use the RTF Lookup under IROC lookups.