ETCTN 10405 Requirements
Please fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the ETCTN. See herefor information on installing TRIAD.
In order to complete the photon credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• All participants are asked to complete the Facility Questionnaire .
• Irradiate IROC Houston's H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
• All participants must complete IGRT credentialing for boney tissue alignment. Please also complete the IGRT questionnaire online.
• Institutions that are credentialed to participate in other RTOG or NRG IMRT protocols requiring an IMRT H&N phantom irradiation might not need to repeat the phantom irradiation for credentialing for this protocol. To determine whether your institution needs to complete any further credentialing requirements, please complete the Credentialing Status Inquiry.