Southwest OncologyGroup (SWOG) |
S1706 | - |
A Phase II Randomized Trial of Olaparib (NSC-747856) Administered Concurrently with Radiotherapy versus Radiotherapy Alone for Inflammatory Breast Cancer
S1802 | - |
Phase III Randomized Trial of Standard Systemic Therapy (SST) Versus Standard Systemic Therapy Plus Definitive Treatment (Surgery or Radiation) of the Primary Tumor in Metastatic Prostate Cancer
SWOG/NRG 1806 | - |
Phase III Randomized Trial of Concurrent Chemotherapy With or Without Atezolizumab in Localized Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
S1826 | - |
A Phase III, Randomized Study of Nivolumab (Opdivo) Plus AVD or Brentuximab Vedotin (Adcetris) Plus AVD in Patients (Age >/= 12 Years) with Newly Diagnosed Advanced Stage Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma
S1827 | - |
A Randomized Phase III Trial of MRI Surveillance With or Without Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI) in Small-Cell Lung Cancer
S1914 | - |
A Randomized Phase III Trial of Induction/Consolidation Atezolizumab (NSC #783608) + SBRT Versus SBRT Alone in High Risk, Early Stage NSCLC
S1933 | - |
A Pilot Study of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Followed by Atezolizumab Consolidation in Stage II or III NSCLC Patients with Borderline Performance Status
S1934 | - |
SWOG 1619 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Please fill out the
Credentialing Status Inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate the IROC Houston's H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
• Successfully complete the IGRT credentialing requirements if your institution plans to utilize PTV margins of less than 5 mm. Please also complete the IGRT Questionnaire.
SWOG 1706 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
In order to complete the 3DCRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
SWOG 1802 Requirements
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
In order to complete the 3DCRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
If you plan to use reduced margins for SBRT treatment (3DCRT or IMRT) the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's lung phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
• Complete IGRT credentialing for soft tissue alignment. Please also complete the IGRT questionnaire.
Acceptable treatment planning system(TPS) / algorithm
SWOG/NRG 1806 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
In order to complete the 3DCRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
SWOG 1826 Requirements
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
In order to complete the 3DCRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT thorax phantom. Please fill in the request form online.If patients are to be treated with gating or tracking methods, the phantom irradiation must be completed using the motion platform.
In order to complete the Proton Therapycredentialing process, an institution must:
• Complete baseline approval for proton therapy.
• Complete or update the proton Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate the IROC Houston's proton thorax phantom. Please fill in the phantom request form.If patients are to be treated with gating or tracking methods, the phantom irradiation must be completed using the motion platform.
Acceptable treatment planning system(TPS) / algorithm
SWOG 1827 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT H&N phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
SWOG 1914 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's thorax phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
SWOG 1933 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaire.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT Thoracic phantom. Please fill in the request form online.
SWOG 1934 Requirements
This trial will utilize TRIAD for dosimetry digital treatment data submission. TRIAD is the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) image exchange application and it is used by the NCTN. Click here for information on installing TRIAD.
Fill out the credentialing status inquiry form to let us know that you would like to be credentialed for this protocol. Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol will be notified if any additional credentialing steps are required.
In order to complete the 3DCRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
• Successfully complete the IGRT credentialing requirements. Please also complete the IGRT Questionnaire. Acceptable treatment planning system(TPS) / algorithm
In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process the following items must be completed:
• Complete or update the Facility Questionnaires.
• Irradiate IROC Houston's IMRT thorax phantom. Please fill in the request form online.If patients are to be treated with gating or tracking methods, the phantom irradiation must be completed using the motion platform.
• Successfully complete the IGRT credentialing requirements. Please also complete the IGRT Questionnaire. Acceptable treatment planning system(TPS) / algorithm