RTOG 0617    
CALGB 30609



Institutions that were previously credentialed to participate in another protocol or have a question about your status for this protocol, please fill out the Credentialing Status Inquiry form.

This study requires credentialing before patients can be entered onto this study. The credentialing requirements are different depending on whether you are using a 3D-CRT or IMRT technique. You can be credentialed for either technique or for both depending on your physician's treatment preference.

The IROC Houston has determined that several algorithms fail to correct properly for the increased transmission and increased lateral electronic disequilibrium produced as photon beams pass through low-density media. The failure rate of irradiations performed according to plans with these algorithms is very high. Consequently, the IROC Houston will prioritize institutions that use convolution/superposition algorithms.

In order to complete the 3D-CRT credentialing process, choose below your treatment planning system (TPS) / algorithm to see the requirements for credentialing:

Brain Lab /pencil beam
Corvus / pencil beam
Helax / pencil beam
Cadplan or Eclipse / pencil beam
PLUNC or MSKCC / pencil beam
XiO / modified Clarkson or convolution
Pinnacle / fast convolve

Helax / collapsed cone
Eclipse / AAA
XiO /superposition or fast superposition
Pinnacle / collapsed cone or adaptive convolution superposition

In order to complete the IMRT credentialing process, choose below your treatment planning system (TPS) / algorithm to see the requirements for credentialing:

Brain Lab /pencil beam
Corvus / pencil beam
Helax / pencil beam
Cadplan or Eclipse / pencil beam
PLUNC or MSKCC / pencil beam
XiO / modified Clarkson or convolution
Pinnacle / fast convolve

Eclipse / AAA
XiO /superposition or fast superposition
Pinnacle / collapsed cone or adaptive convolution superposition

Helax / collapsed cone
Corvus / Montecarlo
Tomotherapy / convolution superposition

If your TPS is not listed above please contact the IROC Houston at 713-745-8989 to determine what is needed to complete the credentialing process.